Preparations for the Figaro Solitaire yacht race in Dingle in Co Kerry are proceeding despite poor weather which has sent the 38 yachts into Crosshaven in Co Cork for shelter.
The prestigious yacht race was secured for Dingle after a three-year effort by townspeople. The first boats were due into the harbour last night from Brittany in France, with the majority following today However, gale warnings and stormy weather prevented them making their inside pass of the Fastnet.
Cmmdr Brian Farrell, harbour master in Dingle, described what has become one of the main races in the European nautical calendar as "a singular test of endurance".
The main thing, Cmmdr Farrell said, "is the race is still coming to Dingle. It has only been delayed by 24 hours, hopefully". The first yachts are now expected in on Wednesday before the last leg of the journey to the the French Basque port of Txingudi Hendaye Fontarrabie in the Bay of Gascony on Saturday.
This is the 32nd year of the yacht race sponsored by the French newspaper le Figaro and the journey of 649 miles from Dingle to the Basque country will be its longest leg so far.
In all the yachtsmen will have covered 1,744 miles since setting off from the port of La Rochelle in France on August 3rd.
Saturday in Dingle will be the most spectator-friendly event with the flotilla expected to set off from the marina early in the morning.
The event has a huge television and media profile on the continent. French TV companies and radio stations are setting up in a tent village near the town. A huge spin-off for Dingle in terms of marketing and TV images is anticipated, Cmmdr Farrell said.
Already the town and its environs had featured in a number of French and Spanish magazines because of their success in securing the much sought-after event, he said. In France, towns have been known to put up one million francs to secure it, such is the prestige of the event for the town, he added.
In previous years Kinsale in Co Cork, and Howth, Co Dublin, have hosted the event. A French naval vessel accompanying the race will be open to the public on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Dingle.