The Taoiseach said there were still some issues to be resolved arising from the latest Northern initiative.
Mr Ahern said the various parties were deliberating on what both governments had presented to them last week. "I would like to think that all matters are totally resolved, but I think there are still some issues on which we have to be as helpful as we can in dealing with. Sometimes diametrically opposed views cannot be brought together successfully, but the governments are prepared to do all we can as best we can."
While a substantial breakthrough had been made, as always happened in the North, there were other issues. Suggesting a Dail debate on the North next week, he said it might help to focus on the bigger picture, rather than get caught up in what were admittedly important items.
The Labour leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn, and the Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, welcomed the latest initiative. Mr Bruton expressed the hope that everybody would move forward in a spirit of co-operation and trust.