Abortion referendum will go ahead - Ahern

There will be an abortion referendum, the Taoiseach has insisted in the Dβil

There will be an abortion referendum, the Taoiseach has insisted in the Dβil. However, he repeated that a date had not been set.

February would be the earliest opportunity, but "we still have to fix a date". Mr Ahern added: "I hope we will get broad support, but I have made clear several times I do not expect we will get full support."

He was replying to questions on the Order of Business about an apparent difference between Fianna Fβil and the Progressive Democrats on the proposed abortion referendum.

The Fine Gael leader, Mr Michael Noonan, said there seemed to be a "policy division" between the coalition partners.


He was referring to remarks by the Tβnaiste, Ms Harney in the Dβil on Wednesday and a quote from a spokesman on her behalf , who said: "I don't believe the Government would enter into a referendum process with a proposal they didn't believe was going to get passed".

Mr Noonan asked: "Is there to be a referendum? Is it contingent on a consensus emerging either in the House or outside it?"

Mr Ahern told the Dβil he had made clear several times that he did not expect the Government would get full support for the referendum. "That is what the Tβnaiste meant by consensus on this issue. I hope Deputy Noonan will support it," he added.

The Labour leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn, said that the Government "would not proceed to fix the date for a referendum until such time as it was guaranteed or reasonably assured of success. Can we take it that we are into government by opinion poll?"

Mr Ahern repeated the Tanaiste's comments to the Dβil that "the Government has not decided when that referendum will take place because, clearly, it would not be wise to proceed down the road of a referendum if we cannot build consensus".

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times