Philippines rebels free TV cameraman

A cameraman in a three-member television team kidnapped in the southern Philippines has been freed, and there is a good chance…

A cameraman in a three-member television team kidnapped in the southern Philippines has been freed, and there is a good chance the other two will be released today, officials said.

Cameraman Angelo Valderama was freed into the custody of a local mayor last night, officials said.

The team from the ABS-CBN network, the largest in the Philippines, went missing on the island of Jolo on Sunday. Elders on Jolo have been negotiating with the kidnappers to free the captives, newspapers have said.

Islamic Abu Sayyaf militants, notorious for kidnapping for ransom, are based in the interior of the island.


Ces Drilon, one of the country's top TV reporters, and another cameraman remain in custody. Also being held is a local university professor who was with the TV team.

ABS-CBN has said no ransom will be paid but newspapers said "board and lodging fees" were being discussed.

The families of the remaining captives issued a statement appealing to the gunmen holding the TV crew to release the reporter and her cameraman "as an act of compassion and humanity".

In 2000, the Abu Sayyaf held about 20 people, mostly Western tourists and Malaysian resort workers from nearby Sipadan island, for about three months and freed them after more than $10 million was paid for their release.

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