Orde challenged over arms discovery

The PSNI has been challenged to provide further information surrounding the discovery of a paramilitary arms dump in south Belfast…

The PSNI has been challenged to provide further information surrounding the discovery of a paramilitary arms dump in south Belfast on Saturday.

Mr Alex Attwood, the SDLP policing spokesman, called for the police to clarify the situation surrounding the recovery of the 2,000 rounds of ammunition, hand guns and power units which could be used in bomb-making.

The Chief Constable, Mr Hugh Orde, yesterday confirmed the find was being linked to the Provisional IRA.

"We attribute that weapons find to the Provisional IRA. We have arrested people, they are charged, but I don't want to do anything that causes a problem in terms of the criminal process. It does represent a major find, and a major achievement for my officers."


However, Mr Attwood challenged him to be more open.

"The police should be forthcoming with certain information."

He asked: "In particular, how long were the police aware that there was an arms dump in that location? What prompted the police to act in terms of moving in to seize the weapons and arrest individuals? Was the alleged involvement of individuals \ the arms dump something from which we draw sinister conclusions or less sinister conclusions?"

He continued: "There is an obligation upon the police having acted consistent with due process of the law now to give further information as to why, how and when this situation developed."