New site highlights online bullying

A new website aimed at raising awareness and promoting safety among young internet users was unveiled today.

A new website aimed at raising awareness and promoting safety among young internet users was unveiled today. offers practical tips and gives advice from teenagers to teenagers on how to cope with the fall-out from abuses and misuse of social networking and picture-sharing websites.

It is especially concerned with young people who uploading photographs of themselves or reveal personal details becoming the targets of bullying or abuse.

According to the site, developed by the National Centre for Technology in Education, 27 per cent of Irish nine- to 16-year-olds said they met someone new on the Internet who asked for information like their photo, phone number, street address, or the school they attend - an increase from 19 per cent in 2003.


Minister for Education Mary Hanafin said: "When online, young people should ensure that they are creative, be themselves but above all be in control.

"Disclosing too much personal information can put young people at increased risks of commercial exploitation, bullying and harassment. Some of the content on these sites ranges from careless to shocking and can include obscenity and bullying," she added.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times