GARDAI believe the IRA still has considerable stockpiles of weapons and equipment. This includes:
. Large amounts of "home made" explosive mix of the type used in the Canary Wharf bomb; and maybe a ton of Semtex.
. As many as 1,000 rifles, mostly AK47 assault rifles but also the most modern Heckler and Koch rifles and machineguns, and a small number of US and Russian sniper rifles; a small number of .762 medium machineguns; large numbers of handguns; many thousand rounds of ammunition.
. Possibly one SAM 7 ground to air missile; an unknown number of anti tank RPG7 rockets.
. An unknown quantity of rockets and mortars of its own manufacture ranging from the "barrack buster" mortars capable of firing shells containing up to 200lbs of explosive to the smaller "horizontal" mortars capable of firing shells containing 4lbs of high explosive; home made grenades, including the crude but effective coffee jar bombs.
. An unknown quantity of advanced bomb making equipment and maybe thousands of detonators.
. Radio communications and surveillance equipment.