
BE THE LOCAL KNOW-ALL: Did You Know? is a fantastic new book just published by the heritage office at Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown…

BE THE LOCAL KNOW-ALL: Did You Know?is a fantastic new book just published by the heritage office at Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCC). It celebrates forgotten aspects of local history, such as the fact that the Hell Fire Club on Montpelier Hill in Rathfarnham got its name from a group of young men in the 18th century who were notorious for their drinking and wild behaviour.

And did you know that the “goat” in Goatstown refers to the 18th-century medicinal practice of going to the area to drink goat’s whey?

The book is a joint production between DLRCC heritage officer Tim Carey and the south Dublin association of An Taisce, and costs €10 (tel: 01-2054868).

BOTANIC TREATS:The National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, Dublin, are wonderful at any time of year but the sunflower maze makes them a particular treat during the summer. Children will also enjoy following a trail, with map and questions (available at the visitor centre) which they receive a small gift for completing.


Meanwhile, the Dublin Naturalist Field Club has invited entomologist Dr Simon Spencer to give a talk on butterflies and farming at the National Botanic Gardens on Thursday at 8pm in the education centre. See botanicgardens.ie or telephone 01-8570909.

GREEN DAYS:Start planning ahead now for two big green events in the coming weeks. Firstly, the Cool Earth Fair, part of the Festival of World Cultures in Dún Laoghaire, is on August 29th and 30th from 11am to 6pm in County Hall, Dún Laoghaire. Speakers confirmed to date include Dale Treadwell from Naturally Wild, Minister for Food and Horticulture Trevor Sargent TD, and Evelyn Cusack from Met Éireann. Expect eco-stands and even some climate-change comedians. See www.coolearth.ie.

Then there’s the 10th annual Green Living Fair in Castle Espie Wetland Centre, Comber, Co Down, on September 12th and 13th from 10.30am to 6pm. See wwt.org.uk or telephone 048-91874146.

sthompson@irishtimes.com ]



Heritage Week runs from August 22nd to 30th this year, with more than 1,000 events planned throughout the country. If your local environmental, heritage, community or youth group missed earlier deadlines for publicising any events it is organising, you can register on this site until August 14th to be included in the online events listings.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment