Hillary Clinton to run for Senate seat

New York - Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton has ended recent speculation about her campaign for a Senate seat in New York by saying…

New York - Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton has ended recent speculation about her campaign for a Senate seat in New York by saying yesterday "I intend to run", writes Joe Carroll.

She said she would make a formal announcement early next year.

Up to now Mrs Clinton has been careful to leave open the possibility that she might change her mind about being the Democratic candidate in next year's election. Since July she has been running what is called "an exploratory campaign" which allows her to raise funds before formally declaring her candidacy.

But a series of gaffes by the First Lady recently caused unease among New York Democrats. This week two prominent Democrats criticised her candidacy and suggested she consider withdrawing from the race. But in what is seen as a carefully staged move by her campaign officials, Mrs Clinton was asked directly yesterday at a teachers' function if she were definitely running. "The answer is yes. I intend to run."


Her likely Republican opponent is Mayor Rudy Giuliani, of New York.