Patient Query - Glue Ear

I have been told my child has glue ear and needs a grommet. What is this, and is there an alternative?

I have been told my child has glue ear and needs a grommet. What is this, and is there an alternative?

Conventional remedy:

The middle ear is ventilated by a small channel called the Eustachian tube. It runs from the back of the nose into the ear and normally closes when we swallow or yawn. Air can pass through the tube when it is open, which results in normal ear pressure.

If the tube fails to open, fluid collects in the ear. A build-up of this sticky liquid in the middle ear results in the condition known as glue ear, which is the most common cause of hearing difficulties in children.


There are several reasons why the Eustachian tube may not function correctly. Its lining can swell as a result of infection or allergic reaction, resulting in the tube blocking.

Large or infected adenoids may also contribute to poor tubal function. Many children with glue ear suffer from recurrent bouts of tonsillitis, nasal allergy or ear infection.

There are several ways to treat glue ear. Treatment with decongestants, antihistamines and antibiotics may help resolve the condition.

Many children grow out of the problem over time, but for those who do not, the accumulation of fluid can result in deafness. Prolonged deafness can cause poor speech, behavioural problems and learning difficulties at school.

Surgical treatment of glue ear involves the insertion of grommets. These are tiny ventilation tubes that are inserted into the eardrum to allow air to pass freely into the middle ear. This helps keep the pressure in the ear at a normal level and helps the fluid drain away.

The operation is usually performed under general anaesthetic. A small cut is made in the eardrum and the fluid removed. The grommet is then placed in the cut, where it usually stays for about a year, after which it falls out, as the child and Eustachian tube grow.

In a proportion of children, the condition can recur, resulting in the need for a second grommet insertion.

Dr Muiris Houston

Alternative remedy:

Glue ear is a condition affecting the middle ear. Common in young children, it can be caused by excessive catarrh, which has its roots in a poor diet.

The Eustachian tube becomes clogged with a sticky fluid, and the sufferer may also be prone to enlarged adenoids. Chronic ear inflammation and infection may be the outcome, and the child is usually treated with antibiotics before having grommets inserted.

If the condition has become very chronic, it may not be possible to offer an alternative, as frequent ear infections may threaten the hearing.

Alternative treatment with herbal medicine tackles the underlying cause, using herbal anticatarrhal remedies. These may include plantain, ground ivy and goldenrod. The lymphatic system also requires attention, and clivers - or goosegrass - tea is an excellent remedy, well tolerated even by small children.

It is essential to consult a trained herbal practitioner for this often troublesome condition. Preventive action is still important and should be taken consistently, even when the child is free of problems. For this I would recommend the regular use of garlic and echinacea juice.

The herbal practitioner will also use a herbal oil externally. Mullein or garlic oil works well to soothe inflammation and stem infection.

The most important aspect of treatment is to cut down drastically on starchy foods in the child's diet. This includes all confectionary, chocolate and refined flour products (white bread, pastries, biscuits).

The diet should be abundant in fresh fruit and vegetables. Carrot juice or raw carrots and beetroot should be part of a good cleansing diet.

This may require commitment from the parent, as a high-sugar diet is the norm for many children.

Be assured that it will be well worth the trouble and can result in an improved appetite for healthier foods when young taste buds are not spoilt by excessively sweet and salty tastes.

Helen McCormack, medical herbalist

The Irish Association of Medical Herbalists is at 091-638183