Living with your body

THE BIGGER PICTURE Shalini Sinha: The summer is a wonderful time of year

THE BIGGER PICTURE Shalini Sinha: The summer is a wonderful time of year. As the sun comes out, it pulls us outside for much needed refreshment, relaxation and warmth.

More than any other season, we become interested in enjoying the outdoors and getting into action. The long evenings only add to the magic of this time. But sadly, for many of us the summer brings with it a sense of dread.

A great number of us hate our bodies. The mere thought of light fabrics and more revealing clothing is enough to sink our hearts. Don't even mention a swimsuit. We hide ourselves away in fear of judgment or rejection. The arrival of the sun only makes our predicament more uncomfortable.

It is a shame that struggles with body image would keep us from enjoying the good weather, or even worse, that we would shy away from the best time of year to get out there and move.


There is a need to separate the issues of how we feel about our bodies and what we do with them. While I would want everyone to get out and enjoy the weather regardless of weight, shape or fitness level, how we feel about our bodies will limit many of us this season. And, the pressure is immense.

Everywhere we go, magazine covers shout out advice on how to lose weight and get in shape to be ready for summer weather. Yet, this "assistance" only begins after the good weather has started in order to be timely with their publications.

As a result, we get the impression that we can turn things around in a very short period of time. No wonder we all feel so hopeless every time the sun arrives.

In fact, considering health, fitness and overall pride in ourselves should be a life-long joy and interest.

Most people are unhappy with their bodies - saying a lot about the society we live in. Our sense of self and pride shouldn't come from our weight or size, particularly as struggles with eating and getting fit are always much more deeply rooted.

What's more important than diet secrets and quick tips is to discover how to love one's self completely. For, it is only from this point that the motivation to improve our health and well-being can come.

Every trauma we experience is felt in our bodies. Our emotions are physical and show themselves as such.

It is no wonder, then, that we eat to feel better and stand still to be numb.

Whenever I get up and move after a long period of lethargy, I feel tensions that make me want to cry and pains that truly have far more profound origins.

We will, inevitably, face into all this anguish whenever we decide to get into better shape. Every struggle from our past that has not been dealt with will raise its head for us to feel.

Rather than be afraid of this and run away to hide once more, we can decide to notice the feelings with awareness and just let them flow through us as we move towards what we really want in life - a fully functioning, vital body; an energetic life where nothing holds us back from our dreams.

There is a life to be lived and enjoyed free from shame. It will take time and a lot more than crash diet plans to realise it. Everything big is done in small and simple steps. I would wish it for everyone to have the bodies and life they want.

So, if you are facing into this summer with a body that has you feeling badly about yourself, here are a few things to think about. There is a lot more to you than your body. There is a lot more that makes you happy than how your body looks. Find both of these things, focus on them and enjoy the good weather whenever it comes.

Then, as you celebrate and enforce that which is wonderful and deeply attractive about you, make plans for how you would like your body to be in one year's time. Think of a series of uncomplicated steps that will start you down the road towards realising this for yourself.

Make subtle changes and take initiative. Only tell people about it who will encourage and love you completely regardless. And, take action each day towards who it is you want to be.

Finally, knowing that you are on steady a track towards being truly happy with yourself and expressing in your physical being who you really are, relax and enjoy yourself. Get out this summer. Wear light clothing, get into your togs, reveal your legs, do everything you want. All the while, keep close to your army of people who know and love the real you.

Shalini Sinha works as a life coach and counsellor and presents the intercultural programme, Mono, on RTÉ Television. She has a BA in comparative religion and anthropologist and an MA in women's studies.