Improve patient choice and cut the cost of drugs

ON THE COUCH: Jean Andrews is a physiotherapy clinical specialist at the Blackrock Clinic, Dublin

ON THE COUCH:Jean Andrews is a physiotherapy clinical specialist at the Blackrock Clinic, Dublin

Family/personal:Married to Michael.

Which living person do you most admire and why?

Matilda Riveria, an Ecuadorian Missionary Sister who works as a social worker in Gimbie, western Ethiopia. Sr Matilda is an inspirational health worker, working 16-hour days supporting a community in desperate need.


Having worked with Mati in Ethiopia in 2005 I saw first-hand the suffering of the people of Gimbie and how Mati's kindness, patience and generosity helps people in so many ways.

What do you regard as the top three problems facing Ireland's health system?

The fragmented Health Service Executive model, lack of patient choice and the cost of drugs.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Eating out and handbags.

What is your most unhealthy habit?

Very occasionally I miss breakfast to have an extra sleep-in.

How do you relax?

Running and squash or watching TV.

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

I love nothing more than to have dinner with close family and friends.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Walking in the mountains of Los Picos in northern Spain with my husband or winning at squash.

What trait do you most value in your friends?


What talent would you most like to have?

To play the clarinet like my dad.

Do you use alternative/ complementary medicines or therapies?

I have been a guinea pig for my friend studying reflexology.

What is your earliest memory?

First-day-at-school nerves.

What is your most treasured possession?

My husband, Michael, though I do not own him.

What other career might you have chosen?

Medicine, although I preferred physiotherapy as a career.

What books or films have inspired you?

Chekhov's Scenes from a Life.

In conversation with Fiona Tyrrell