Health Scan: Lifestyle Q&A

Fr Peter McVerry SJ, founder of the Peter McVerry Trust

Fr Peter McVerry SJ, founder of the Peter McVerry Trust

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

I have the most appalling lifestyle. I take no exercise, I love sweet things and I’m always under stress. I’m a candidate for a heart attack and I don’t understand why I haven’t had one already.

How often do you exercise?


I never really take exercise. I walk a little bit in the course of my work but I’m not sufficiently organised to carve out specific times for exercise – I might have great intentions but something always comes up.

Do you get your five a day?

Absolutely not, I might manage two, but that’s about my limit. Breakfast is a cup of coffee and a slice of toast. Lunch is a sandwich and a cup of coffee and my evening meal might be a sandwich and a cup of coffee, a microwave dinner or something out of the takeaway.

Do you worry?

No, I don’t. The positive side of my work with homeless young people is that the job satisfaction is fantastic and that compensates for everything. I work with really wonderful young people who’ve had a very difficult start in life and are struggling to overcome the disadvantages that often their childhood created for them, so even the little that you do means an awful lot to them. My only worries are about other people.

What do you do to relax?

I don’t. This is a 24/7 job. Often I might come home in the evening and five minutes later there is a knock on the door and somebody is looking for advice or support. But I’ve learned to pace myself. Space for myself is a mental thing; you can create space for yourself in the midst of chaos.

What’s your unhealthiest habit?

You could list half a dozen of them, couldn’t you? I’d be at risk of diabetes and that’s something I should be addressing. You say I have the Lord on my side, but I think he expects you to do your own bit too, and I’m not.

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