From Eurovision win to tale of a lost extradition warrant



Eimear Quinn, singer of Ireland's entry in the Eurovision Song Contest, struck the right note in Oslo, when her performance of The Voice won the international song competition. After the win, Mr Joe Costello TD called for the Eurovision to be funded by the Government and the EU.

An off duty member of the Royal Irish Regiment, Geoffrey Anderson (35), shot dead two men, wounded his girlfriend, Ms Gina Blair, and then killed himself, just 20 minutes after an RUC patrol had left Ms Blair's home after she received a death threat.

Anderson killed Mr William Doherty (28) and Mr David Martin (33) at Ms Blair's home in the Tigers Bay area of north Belfast. He had earlier threatened to kill everyone at the house after an argument at a local social club.



The leader of Sinn Fein, Mr Gerry Adams, stated that his party was prepared to sign up to the Mitchell principles.

"If Mr Major - given the history of British repression, the claim to jurisdiction over our country, of their involvement in the conflict here for such a long period of time - is prepared to sign up to Mitchell, then I am prepared to sign up to Mitchell", he said in an interview on BBC 2.

A Government statement said that "the Sinn Fein commitments represented a most significant step in the movement to inclusive all party negotiations". A Northern Ireland Office statement repeated that the British Irish communique made it clear that Sinn Fein could only engage in talks through an "unequivocal restoration" of a ceasefire from the IRA, with which it said Sinn Fein was inextricably linked.


The Minister for Justice informed the Dail that an investigation had revealed that the failure of the extradition application for Mr Anthony Duncan was due to the mislaying of the original warrant application by gardai.

"Extradition procedures involve the combined efforts of an number of agencies both here and abroad and in the requesting country. A high degree of co ordination is required between these agencies. In the present case, the application arrived with the Garda Siochana at very short notice and it was necessary to process it within a very narrow time frame - in effect within a matter of hours of the court hearing.

"The Garda authorities concluded that the original warrant had been mislaid by the gardai and that the only explanation was that it was destroyed accidentally when copies of the original warrant were being made", said Ms Owen.

The Progressive Democrats spokeswoman on Justice, Ms Liz O'Donnell, accused the Government of making "misleading" accusations against the British government. Government sources had earlier blamed the British authorities for the extradition case's collapse.

The National Drugs Bureau seized 1.5 kg of heroin from three Liverpool men in Clontarf, Dublin, following a lengthy surveillance operation. The heroin, with a street value of £1 million, was hidden in three packages, in a car which came into the country on the Liverpool to Dublin ferry.

A detached house on Shrewsbury Road in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, was sold for £1,550,000, the highest price ever paid for a Dublin house.


The British and Irish governments, at an Anglo Irish Conference meeting, failed to reach agreement on the key issues for the preparation of all party talks due to start on June 10th.

The Northern Secretary, Mr Patrick Mayhew, reaffirmed the British government's position on decommissioning. "If there is no decommissioning of paramilitary weapons, then the talks process will fail."

A fresh extradition warrant for Mr Anthony Duncan was received by the Irish authorities.

Dail business was suspended, three times and two TDs were ejected from the House as Opposition deputies attacked the Government over its handling of the failed Duncan extradition.

The Fianna Fail spokesman on law reform, Mr Willie O'Dea, was asked to leave the Dail after he accused the Taoiseach of misleading the House over the collapsed extradition case. The Progressive Democrat's Ms Liz O'Donnell was also asked to leave and suspended for three days on a vote of censure.

The Minister for Enterprise and Employment, Mr Bruton, announced over 1,000 new jobs in 14 new industrial projects.

The Department of Agriculture confirmed that a cheetah in Fota Wildlife Park in Cork died in 1993 of the feline form of BSE.


A 21 year old heroin addict, Ms Carol Ann Daly, hanged herself in Mountjoy prison from the window bars in her cell.

A Labour Party TD, Mr Joe Costello, said the women's prison in Mountjoy was a "depressing location and unsuitable for detention of anybody, male or female".

Golden Vale, the Munster cooperative, admitted that it had paid £3.1 million to the Department of Agriculture because it had incorrectly calculated its superlevy milk bill over a two year period.