Free will scheme to aid charities

SOLICITORS are to provide free assistance to people making wills over the next two months, in the third year of an initiative…

SOLICITORS are to provide free assistance to people making wills over the next two months, in the third year of an initiative for the benefit of charities.

Will-Aid 1997 involves up to 1,000 solicitors giving their services free, while people making wills give a recommended donation to charity - £40 for a single will and £60 for a couple's. The charities to benefit are Actionaid, Gorta, Oxfam and Rehab.

This year's scheme was launched in Dublin with the presentation of a cheque for £15,000 by the sponsors, Canada Life, on Monday. The money will cover the administrative costs of the service which will be officially opened next Monday.

A spokeswoman said some 700 solicitors had already enrolled, more than double last year's number. She predicted a total of 1,000 participating solicitors and hoped this would be reflected in a similar increase in those availing of the service.


"We had about 1,000 last year and we would be looking to at least double that this time," she said. "It's an ideal opportunity for people who have been meaning to make a will but haven't got around to it and it's a very good deal."

Those intending to take up the offer must book a will between February 10th and 24th, after which they will make their wills with local solicitors in the period up to March 24th. A special phoneline has been set up to deal with the calls, at 1850-214420.

As an added incentive, each participant will be presented with a prize bond valid for one year.

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary