Fifty schools in Britain received cash awards from the government last week as reward for their efforts in "truancy busting". Ranging across the primary, secondary and special schools sectors, the schools, which have used a number of initiatives to encourage school attendance, will receive grants of up to £8,000 towards their funding for reducing high levels of truancy. One school singled out for praise was Water Hall combined school in Bletchley, Buckinghamshire. The headteacher at the 500-pupil primary school, Jackie Barnes, says that the use of a "buddy system" has helped to dramatically reduce absenteeism. A child with a record of poor attendance is paired with a pupil living close by who will call by on the way to school every morning. "Where kids take control of something themselves it has a better chance of being successful," explains Barnes. Water Hall school plans to use its grant to help fund a school breakfast club.
Compiled by Janet Stafford