
Popular Directory:

Popular Directory:

The 1998 edition of the popular Student Yearbook & Career Directory is now available at £5.80. It's worth remembering that it is cheaper to order a number of copies directly from the supplier at Shancroft, O'Hanlon's Lane, Malahide, Co Dublin - phone (01) 845 2470. The book is full of information about career options and categories, third-level courses, apprenticeship schemes, and training as well as addresses, phone numbers, grants and scholarships and details about taxes, savings and wages. It is suitable for pupils from Junior Cert to Leaving Cert.

Opening doors:

Another useful student publication is Accessing Third-Level Education in Ireland, a handbook for students with disabilities. It's available, free of charge to students with disabilities from the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD). For others it costs £5. The book lists the educational supports available to students with a range of disabilities, including those with asthma and/or cystic fibrosis, epilepsy, speech and language disorders, blind and partially sighted and specific learning disabilities. It is intended to be a reference and information manual for prospective students, their parents, career and vocational officers and schools.


Prospective farmers: President Robinson opened Agricultural Education Week 1997 at the Merrion Room in the RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin, yesterday. During the week over 900 graduates of a threeyear farming course run by Teagasc are being presented with their certificates at local level in all parts of the country. Yesterday graduates representing classes throughout the country, were presented with their Certificate in Farming by the President.

Time travellers:

Budding historians may be interested in a A Short History of Medieval Dublin , a first publication from Dublinia Publications. It's available for £2.99. The 32-page book is an account of the growth of Dublin from its beginnings to the 16th century. Author Bernard Guinan is curator and education/research officer of Dublinia, the multimedia exhibition of the city's story at Christchurch.

Watch this space for news for school students. Send details in time and we'll do our best to mention it. Write or fax: Catherine Foley, Education & Living, The Irish Times, 13 D'Olier Street, Dublin 2. Phone: (01) 679 2022 or fax 679 2789.