The competition that sends entrants on an investigative trail through the world of Irish horticulture, "Agri Detective", is up and running for the third year. Organised by Agri Aware, in association with An Bord Glas, the Horticultural Development Board, competitors are this year asked, for the first time, to get their metaphorical teeth into all aspects of the horticulutral industry.
The hope is that the work students do for the competition will make them aware of the health benefits attached to the eating of fruit and vegetables. Information packs have already been sent to 500 secondary schools throughout the State.
In an effort to truly involve its student competitors, the competition is activity-based and involves more than simply writing an essay. Entrants are asked to form teams which will then survey/investigate the consumption of fruit and vegetables by the 14-18 age group.
Competitors have until December 3rd, 2001, to complete their investigations but should have the entry forms in by October 15th. Details, and entry forms, from or call (01) 460 1103 or (01) 676 3567.