Drinks industry body calls for warning labels on products

Drinks representatives today urged the Government to roll-out pregnancy warnings and unit information on alcohol products.

Drinks representatives today urged the Government to roll-out pregnancy warnings and unit information on alcohol products.

The Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland (ABFI) said the information would promote responsible drinking.

Director Rosemary Garth said the measures were agreed with the Government more than a year ago but have yet to be  implemented.

"This unit information will play a very important role in informing individuals about how much alcohol they are consuming, and will allow them to measure this against the Government's recommended weekly limits of 21 units for men and 14 for women," Ms Garth said.

"With research frequently showing a general ignorance amongst the Irish public about the amount of alcohol contained  in a standard unit, ABFI agreed with the Department of Health that these information labels should be introduced as soon  as possible.