Department staff may lose payments

Staff in the Department of Agriculture have been told they will not be able to collect travelling expenses and overtime due to…

Staff in the Department of Agriculture have been told they will not be able to collect travelling expenses and overtime due to them because of the recent payouts to farmers, writes Sean MacConnell. A Department spokesman said its employees would have to wait until a supplementary estimate went through the Dail.

Nearly £900 million has been paid out to farmers this year through the Department. A number of employees contacted The Irish Times to complain that they had been unable to collect legitimate expenses at a time of record payouts. The spokesman said certain ceilings in administrative budgets had been reached, which was unfortunate. "However, it was vitally important that payments be made to farmers as quickly as possible in this very difficult year and this has been accomplished," he said.

More than 1 million cheques were issued to farmers this year and direct payments will total £980 million. With EU transfers, the figure will reach £1.5 billion. It is understood the Department will be seeking the additional funding next week.