‘Trespassers will be shot’ sign placed on farm land bought by firm

Company says man’s actions mean it cannot access 150 acres purchased in Co Wexford

Signs referring to ‘vulture funds’ and threatening ‘trespassers will be shot’ have been erected on farmland on which a man is allegedly trespassing, the High Court has been told. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien/The Irish Times.

Large signs referring to "vulture funds and land grabbers" and threatening "trespassers will be shot" have been erected on farmland on which a man is allegedly trespassing, the High Court has been told.

Vegetable grower John B.Dockrell Ltd says it bought about 150 acres at Lodgewood, Ferns, Co Wexford, in June 2017 but has been unable to access the lands due to the activities of John Kinsella.

Mr Kinsella, it claims, has entered the lands without its permission and has illegally ploughed them. It also claims gates have been chained, large concrete blocks impede movements on the lands and vehicles were used to block the entrance to the lands from the outside.

A vehicle which was impounded by gardaí was retrieved from the pound after a fine was paid and was again repositioned in front of the entrance, according to the firm , which says the alleged actions have caused it a financial loss.


The company, with an address at Monroe, Screen, Enniscorthy, had earlier this week secured a temporary injunction preventing Mr Kinsella, of Ballywilliamroe, Marshalstown, coming within 100m of the lands at Lodgewood.

The order, granted on an ex-parte (one side only represented) basis, also restrains Mr Kinsella interfering with the plaintiff’s quiet enjoyment of the property.

When the matter returned before Ms Justice Carmel Stewart on Thursday, she grated an application by Benedict Ó Floinn BL, for the plaintiff, to continue the orders pending the determination of the proceedings.

Mr Kinsella was not in court and was not represented.

The company says Mr Kinsella’s actions amount to contempt of previous court orders made in 2016 preventing trespass on the lands.

In a sworn statement, Mr Dockrell said the erection of the signs amounts to an “intensification” of matters. He said he fears people in the area have turned against him and his company’s agents and is now fearful for his own safety and that of others he sends on the lands.

Ms Justice Stewart, who also ruled the terms of the orders apply to anyone with notice of them, returned the matter to later this month.