Dublin property with 20 occupants is a fire safety risk, court told

City council seeks evacuation of Mountjoy Square premises

The people have been residing at a property located at 24 Mountjoy Square. File photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times.

Up to 20 people are staying at a Dublin City centre premises described as a potential fire safety danger and a risk to the general public as well as those living there, the High Court has heard.

The people have been residing at a property located at 24 Mountjoy Square, which incorporates the premises known as 24 Charles Lane in Dublin 1, over which a fire safety notice was issued last August.

On Thursday lawyers for Ms Anne O’Dwyer of Duff & Phelps, who was appointed receiver over the property in March, launched proceedings aimed at securing vacant possession of the property, on grounds including that the fire safety notice has not been complied with.

The action is against the owner Mr Christopher Singh and TWI Textile Machinery and Fabric Company Ltd, which partially occupies and operates from the Mountjoy Square premises.


It is claimed Mr Singh of Lisnacree, Castleknock Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15 is a director and the sole shareholder of the company.

The matter came before Mr Justice Paul Gilligan at Friday’s sitting of the High Court.

Nevan Powell Bl for the receiver told the court an inspection carried out on the building earlier that day had revealed that eight people, four adults and four children were living in an upstairs bedsit.

In addition up to 12 people had been staying in the basement of the premises.

His client has been unable to get possession of the building and seeks an injunction against the owner and the company requiring them to cease trespassing on the property.

Vincent P Martin Bl for Mr Singh told the court that steps are being taken so the building is fire safety complaint.

The court heard from Fire Safety expert Mr John Greaney, who said he had been hired by Mr Singh to ensure the building complies with all fire safety regulations.

Some measures have already been carried out he said, adding that he believed that all required measures could be completed within seven days.

Karen Denning Bl for Dublin City Council (DCC) said while her client was not a party to the receivers proceedings and there to assist the court, the fire safety notice had been in place for some time and had not been complied.

While DCC was not seeking orders from the court it is her clients view that the building should be evacuated, counsel added.

Mr Justice Gilligan said the court “could not stand idly by” given that a fire safety notice has been breached.

The Judge said he also had to take into account that there were 20 people who were not party to the case who faced the prospect of being put on the street.

After hearing evidence from a fire safety expert on behalf of the receiver and a senior fire officer with the council, the judge said he was adjourning the case to Tuesday.

He said that in the meantime fire wardens are to be put in the building by the receiver.

They will monitor the building 24 hours a day and are to remain in communication with the DDC’s fire officers, the Judge said.

The parties were also to meet to discuss the situation.