Free newspapers: I love it when you get the Herald Amand Metropeople side by side vying for your custom . . . sometimes I dramatically extend both my arms and grab both papers at the same time . . . seems to amuse them. Steve D
It does get irritaing when you are going to work in the rain, still half-asleep, and they are constantly shoving papers in your face, calling "Morning! Metro!", even when you already have one. Quint
I love them, and it amuses me greatly when they try to hand me a paper in the mornings as I speed by on my bike - always gives me a grin on the way to work! Neil
And soooo exceptionally good looking. Especially the girls around the Spire. It was lashing rain this morning and such smiling pretty faces were a pleasant and welcome sight. Smitten
Competition Authority: We need to be careful of the Competition Authority and the call for lower prices. The less money we give a multiple, the greater the pending economic fallout for our domestic producers. We have no local co-op or similar services that sell local produce. In addition, we currently do not have the suburban infrastructure for larger retail outlets. Again, money invested in roads and an encouragement to rely even more heavily on a car is not serving in the consumer's best interest. Mark G