179 women accuse surgeon

Folkestone - More than 100 women attended a highly emotional meeting last night claiming to have been victims of one of Britain…

Folkestone - More than 100 women attended a highly emotional meeting last night claiming to have been victims of one of Britain's worst medical scandals. The women were all patients of a shamed gynaecologist, Mr Rodney Ledward, who was struck off the medical register six weeks ago after the General Medical Council found him guilty of 10 counts of serious professional misconduct.

Since then, a helpline has been set up and now 179 women have come forward claiming to have had botched or unnecessary operations by Mr Ledward, which have left some permanently disabled.

Of the 179, 24 women needed follow-up treatment and at least 35 are considering legal action. Last night's meeting was organised by the South East Kent Community Health Council. The medical director of the South Kent Hospitals NHS Trust, Dr Noel Padley, promised to help the women pursue complaints and said he did not want to see him "wriggle away".

A grandmother, Ms Ann Dowling, said she had been left incontinent after the consultant perforated her bladder during a hysterectomy. "I put my life in his hands but when things started going wrong after the operation he just said I would have to go on a waiting list," she said.


"I put all my trust in him and he betrayed it. I had to give up my job and am now registered disabled. I have had four more major operations and I am still incontinent. He has ruined my life." Many women complained that their operation notes had "disappeared" or that the consultant had not properly recorded the procedures.

One woman told the meeting she had need a further 14 operations following surgery by Mr Ledward. Some patients in their 20s claim they were left infertile after the consultant removed their ovaries and wombs without their consent.