A guide to what's hot and what's cold.
What's hot
Long johns Take that girlie pair of tights, give them a pirate-style name, and the lads are only too happy to wear them.
The Dundrum loos Finally, an architect realises that you need room for your shopping bags in the cubicle.
Blyk Free mobile calls and texts when you accept a few text ads a day. In the UK soon. Can we have it here, too, please?
Fair-trade Trinners The TCD campus gets into ethical shopping.
Michael Longley's collected poems As he said himself, "a milestone, not a headstone".
Front-loading prepacked sambos All the goodies facing outward and nowt beyond the first bite. The gastro equivalent of a push-up bra.
What's cold
Unscooped poop In a heap of leaves near you. Tread carefully.
Ultan John Worst name ever for a musical act. Not even a tribute band.
Shoes by Imelda Marcos We want quality, not quantity, darling.
McWilliamsisms "Decklanders", "Hi-Cos" and other glib labels. Enough already, David.
The Halloween hangover Just what are we supposed to do with these 65 fun-size Twixes?