Plans to build a €250 million residential scheme at the former Bank of Ireland staff sports ground in Mount Merrion has prompted mixed reactions from local residents.
A total of 15 submissions have been received by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council responding to Niall Mellon's Knockrabo Development's plans to develop a major residential scheme on a site measuring three hectares at Knockrabo, Mount Anville Road, Dublin 14.
The scheme, if it gets the go-ahead from the council, will involve the construction of 330 apartments, 34 duplexes and five townhouses in eight blocks ranging in height from two to 12 storeys. Over 500 car-parking spaces will be provided.
Local residents, resident associations and An Taisce have written to the council regarding the proposals. Around two-thirds of submissions objected to the development. Height, density, traffic and car-parking concerns were the main reasons cited by objectors. The design and finish of the development and removal of trees were also cited by some objectors.
The height of the 12-storey block in the development is inappropriate in a residential area where there are no tall buildings and would set an unwelcome precedent, according to An Taisce.
The local authority also received a number of letters supporting the proposed development, according to a planner's report compiled this month.
This support was largely based on a number of conditions, including livingrooms and balconies immediately opposite residential areas being replaced with bedrooms.
A planner's report also noted that the density of the scheme (119 units per hectare) was "acceptable" and added that the scheme had a high quality of architectural design and site layout.
However, the local authority has requested the developer to provide it with further information regarding landscaping and finishing details.
The site was purchased for €50 million in 2003 by Niall Mellon, owner of Taylor's Three Rock pub and the Henry Grattan pub. The site was the subject of planning permission for 569 houses and apartments in 2002. However, this was overturned by the planning board following an appeal by the Southside Residents' Alliance.