Ideal's cherry red bathroom is ex-display

IDEAL BATHROOMS (01 4609911) has fantastic value in some of its ex-display items

IDEAL BATHROOMS (01 4609911) has fantastic value in some of its ex-display items. The agent for Villeroy Boch has a cherry red Lifetime bathroom furniture set, which includes a wall-hung mirror display cabinet, a floor and ceiling fixed revolving cabinet, ideal for towels and other paraphernalia, as well as a padded storage stool set on wheels that can be moved around (ideal to help small kids up to the sink or indeed aid older and infirm adults through their daily ablutions).

This is half price down from €6,750.46 to €3,375.23.

Another great value buy is the ultra-quiet 18-jet whirlpool bath, which comes with internal lighting and a remote control so, once you’re installed, you don’t have to move again.

This is reduced by 65 per cent from €7,090.74 to €2,500.