The cinema is always a popular choice for a date, but it's often hard to feel romantic amid the usual multiplex array of texting teenagers, children playing hide and seek in the aisles or patrons eating far too much popcorn.
In fact, a night at the pictures is often more like The Simpsons than Cinema Paradiso, and isn't usually the best place for any prospective grand passion. But that might be about to change. The intimate Queen's Film Theatre has been Belfast's best-kept celluloid secret for four decades, and it's now hoping to bring like-minded lonely film buffs together at the QFT Singles Night next Wednesday. A film-themed speed-dating session precedes Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet getting it together in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (right), and tickets cost £15. So why not go along and see if you can find a Bogart to your Bacall? See for details.