Alcohol-free craft beer from the Quiet Noise brewery

John Wilson: This brewery is one of a kind in Ireland, producing an alcohol-free pilsner, lager and pale ale

Valerie Stapelton, Stephen Dillon, Gabby Weenink of Quiet Noise brewery.

Quiet Noise is Ireland’s only brewery working exclusively with alcohol-free craft beer. They have an alcohol-free pilsner, lager and pale ale. “The pale ale was the most difficult one to produce,” says Stephen Dillon of RTM Beverages. “We are treating it like a proper craft brewery and will be bringing out iterations and seasonal specials.”

RTM Beverages is a low- and no-alcohol company, responsible for Nopi Juniper and a new alcohol-free pink Juniper. “We are working on various other projects in the alcohol-free space, but these are confidential for the moment,” Dillon says.

As for Quiet Noise, they are delighted with the feedback so far. “There are those who are still drinking beer but looking to moderate their drinking and don’t necessarily want to drink all evening. It is part of a positive lifestyle. We have had a soft launch so far, but I can only see the alcohol-free category growing. We are in it for the long haul and looking forward to doing some once-offs. Every time I go on social media we get some good sales online; the variety pack gets real interest.” The beers are available through independents, and McHugh’s in particular. “We are still looking for a good distributor.”