Ulster Orchestra/Takuo Yuasa

Violin Concerto No 1 in G minor - Bruch

Violin Concerto No 1 in G minor - Bruch

Symphony No 5 in B flat - Bruckner

Bruckner's Fifth Symphony was completed in 1878 but it was not until nearly 60 years later that it was first performed as the composer wrote it. It has taken even longer to reach the North Of Ireland, for as far as I have been able to discover, this performance was the first to have been given in Belfast.

It was worth the wait. Yuasa realises that Bruckner's style is inherently broad and slow-moving and his steady, careful tempi allowed the music to unfold at its own pace. In the first two movements one sometimes felt a more flowing approach would have helped to convey the ecstatic, mystical side of the music. The Ulster Orchestra's playing, in a work new to them, showed exemplary refinement and accuracy.


The main trouble with this performance lay with the balance. Bruckner's heavy brass scoring imposes a particular requirement on the conductor to use discretion. Having the final chorale blasted out fff by the full brass section hardly makes the impact it should when they have been doing little else all evening.

Akiko Suwanai was spirited in the last movement of Bruch, and showed good tone and depth of feeling in the slow movement.