It's not all crash 'n' bang over the weekend, there's also a chance to sit back and listen to the experts talking about, advising on and illuminating many areas of the music industry. This year, the Federation of Music Collectives in association with the IRMA trust will be hosting two panel discussions on crucial issues in the industry.
"Music and the Internet" is the title of the discussion to be held on Saturday April 29th and the panellists will be looking at how the music industry is using the internet. The chairman of in California and the A&R manager from in the UK will be among the speakers.
On Sunday April 30th, the topic will be "Music industry education in Ireland" and panellists will be looking at what is available out there in terms of specialised training and if any form of accreditation can help the educational situation. Both these discussions take place in the Temple Bar Music Centre between noon and 4 p.m.
Also taking place in the Temple Bar Music Centre are two seminars which are being run in conjunction with Hot Press. Johnnie Lappin and Jackie Hayden will be conducting the seminars which are there to advise people who are seeking a career in the music industry.
Contributors include members of the media and representatives from the recording and publishing industries including Uaneen Fitzsimons (2FM), Lindsey Holmes (publicist), Pete Holidai (record producer) and John Carroll (band manager). These seminars will also be taking place between noon and 4 p.m. on the 29th and the 30th. Further information is available from the Temple Bar Music Centre, tel: 01-6709202.