Not enough time, students complain

Leaving Cert: technical drawing Leaving Certificate students sitting yesterday's technical drawing papers based entirely on …

Leaving Cert: technical drawing Leaving Certificate students sitting yesterday's technical drawing papers based entirely on plane and solid geometry encountered a fair but challenging paper, according to teachers.

The first of two higher- and ordinary-level papers posed significant yet manageable problems.

Patrick McVicar, an ASTI subject representative and teacher in Pobalscoil Chlioch Cheannfhaola, Falcarragh, in Co Donegal, said that with four questions to complete in the space of three hours, insufficient time to complete all questions was a common complaint from students yesterday.

In addition, subsection questions on the higher-level paper may have posed difficulties, according to Pat O'Dwyer, a TUI subject representative and teacher in Pobail Scoil Inbhear Sceine, Kenmare, Co Kerry.


In particular, the final question, on the incomplete projections of a regular hexagonal right pyramid and a square-based pyramid, created "plenty of problems", according to Mr O'Dwyer, who described the paper overall as challenging but fair.

John O'Sullivan, an ASTI subject representative, said the higher-level paper had been in line with expectations.

In general, the ordinary-level paper was deemed approachable and fair.