What's on your rider? Camille O'Sullivan

What’s on your rider? Other than brown M&Ms and gold-painted walls? It’s two bananas, one bottle of red wine, some sweeties…

What's on your rider?Other than brown M&Ms and gold-painted walls? It's two bananas, one bottle of red wine, some sweeties for after, lavender oil burner. (I bring that and also my white rabbit lamp, which sets the atmosphere. He's brought on stage, too.) The The boys get beer and wine.

What would be on your fantasy rider?Masseur pre- and post-gig, someone to do my hair and make-up other than me, champagne flowing, white lilies, a stylist, a PA, Gucci's dresses. Dream on.

What's your pre-gig ritual/ routine?Eat one of the bananas, drink some red wine, try to remember to do some vocal exercise. Always listen to music I like, lie on ground for half-hour to calm me. Another glass of wine helps!

Who is the most famous person to have shown up at your gigs?Luckily, I didn't know they were there until after the show was over! Uma Thurman, Shakira, William Hurt, Tim Robbins, Roger Taylor, John Cleese, Russell Brand, Frank Skinner, Will Young.


Most embarrassing on-stage moment?There have been a few: electrocuting myself onstage at opening night in Edinburgh (I wrapped Christmas lights around me). I've fallen over monitors and forgot a band member's surname on introduction (that was toe-curling).

What's your crowd-pleasing number?For fun, the cheeky song In These Shoes, and for poignancy, The Ship Song, Amsterdamand Hurt.

Groupies. Would you?NO!

How big is your entourage?Me plus five musicians, a lighting guy who is also the tour manager. So me and around seven boys – the jokes are flowing on the tour bus.

Any useful stage tips?Be present in the here and now. If nervous, just accept it and enjoy singing the great songs.

What's your best tour story?I was singing The Ship Songon stage feeling peace and love for the audience; we were being filmed at the time. Only saw afterwards on camera that there was an almighty fight onstage between two of the musicians. All I remember hearing was, "I'm going kill you, you're going down!" Luckily, it's all happy families now.

Drama and fun – that’s show-business, folks!

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea. Camille O’Sullivan plays Cork tonight and Dublin tomorrow