ID - Imagining Donegal

Commissioned photographic show with Paul Rooney, Chris Primrose, Simon Burch, Richard Wayman and Declan Doherty

Commissioned photographic show with Paul Rooney, Chris Primrose, Simon Burch, Richard Wayman and Declan Doherty. Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny Tues-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 1-5pm (also open July 5, 11 and 12) July 5-30

At the heart of this year’s Earagail Arts Festival exhibitions programme is a show that’s been some time in the making: ID – Imaging Donegal is the visible part of a long-term project involving five photographers, Simon Burch, Declan Doherty, Chris Primrose, Paul Rooney and Richard Wayman.

Each was invited to produce a thematic body of work in one of Donegal’s five county council electoral areas, Letterkenny, Inishowen, Ballybofey, South Donegal and Glenties. After this exhibition in Letterkenny’s Regional Cultural Centre the work will be shown in a series of individual exhibitions in the relevant areas. The aim was to produce a composite portrait of the county encompassing five distinct perspectives and sensibilities.

The Cultural Centre is also running a participatory photographic room where visitors can make their own photographic work for free during the show, and there’ll be a display of ID photographic competition entries – the overall winner is Edna Boyce, from Newtowncunningham.



Double Ground Paddy McCann’s paintings sensitively explore the reality of living in Northern Ireland during and after The Troubles. Carrick-on-Shannon

Until September 18 071-9650828

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne is a visual arts critic and contributor to The Irish Times