EOIN BUTLER's guide to downloads, singles and free audiostreams
Don’t Save Me Polydor ****
The winner of the BBC’s Sound of 2013 poll is due later today. As the runners-up haven’t been confirmed at the time of writing, California sisters Este, Danielle and Alana Haim may or may not still be in with a shot. Yes, their surname doubles as the band name. (Like Hanson. Or Bon Jovi.) They also wear improbably short shorts and the singer has one of the best sneers this side of Chris Isaac. Well, I’m sold.
The John Wayne Island ***
Irish interest in the BBC poll, meanwhile, centres on Little Green Cars, a Dublin five-piece with all the sparkle and joie de vivre of a fleet of a toll booth operators. Interestingly, they appear to have shot this video in the house from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. (According to Twitter, its the Goulding Summerhouse in Enniskerry. Damnit, why am I not friends with any of the Gouldings?)
Fake Plastic Trees ****
Frank Ocean’s Channel Orange was selected as many critics album of the year in 2012. To celebrate, he’s dusted off some of his old Radiohead albums. For an encore, he’s going to make us all watch Million Dollar Baby and Requiem for a Dream.
Gibberish Rap **
Finally, absolutely no one’s tip for the sound of 2013 is former SNL and 30 Rock writer (and current Mitch Hedburg impersonator) Hannibal Buress, here turning his hand to hip-hop. Let’s check in and see how that’s working out for him. “We’re in Tony’s friend’s house/He’s in the living room/ He’s studying for law school and stuff/He’s a good dude for letting us record here.” Nice flow, Hannibal. And that’s even before you start rapping about your socks.