Nathan Furst

Act of Valour Relativity Music Group ***

Act of ValourRelativity Music Group ***

Act of Valour, the Pentagon-approved action film that uses active-duty Navy Seals in a fictional story of global daring-do, has proved successful with its combination of Hollywood action and real bullets. Its taut score by the versatile Nathan Furst (Bionicle, Dust to Glory) knowingly pastiches the "heroic" style of Hans Zimmer (Black Hawk Down, Crimson Tide) and Steve Jablonsky (Transformers), and marries it with Furst's signature mix of short melodies, driving polyrhythms and electronic sounds – real instruments but distorted and tweaked. Act of Valour delivers adrenalin- pumping action and heart- pounding emotion, but without the usual genre bravado and bombast. Furst's score is spare, smart and surprisingly unsentimental.

Download tracks: Night Drop, African Recon, Kill Box, Damn Few