
A Wrenched Virile Lore Rock Action ***

A Wrenched Virile LoreRock Action ***

Wow! A remix album named using an anagram of the original's title. Who said words aren't Mogwai's strong point? Given carte blanche by the Glaswegians, a stellar cast of diverse contributors have put last year's Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will through the wringer. Perhaps predictably, Tim Hecker and The Soft Moon drench Rano Pano and San Pedro in hazy drones, so the more arresting results occur when the source material is deconstructed, distorted and reassembled as entirely different creatures. Honourable mentions go to Justin Broadrick's gloriously cinematic George Square Thatcher Death Party; Klad Hest, who redesigns Rano Pano as a giddy electronic bleep-fest; and RM Hubbert, whose acoustic treatment reveals fragile bones of Mexican Grand Prix .

Download:Klad Hest, Rano Pano