
Good Fortune, Bad Weather Outer World Records ****

Good Fortune, Bad WeatherOuter World Records ****

Lettie (no surname) is an English performer/songwriter with a past more chequered than a chessboard. She has flitted here, there and everywhere, hanging around musicians as diverse as former Bauhaus frontman Peter Murphy and former Genesis member Anthony Phillips. And yet, listening to this album – the third studio effort from the former history student – you'd swear that she has been writing highly efficient electro-pop (potently infected with acoustic/ electronica and a melodic sensibility that takes some beating) for most of her life, untainted by the labours of being a jobbing musician. Tracks such as Bitter, Never Want to Be Alone, Pandora, Fitter, Crash and Burn and Come Back are terrific, snap-snap-snap pop songs. The issue of how come we've never heard of Lettie before has duly been solved. lettiemusic.com

Download tracks:Never Want to Be Alone, Fitter, Crash and Burn

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture