Last Days of 1984

Wake Up to the Waves Osaka Records ***

Wake Up to the WavesOsaka Records ***

Everything about Last Days of 1984 screams "hipster" - but don't let that put you off. Besides, the Dublin duo are no bandwagon jumpers; vocalist Darren Moloney was previously a member of eminent electro- rockers Betamax Format. His partnership with Brian Rice bears impressive fruit, if completely derivative of acts such as Animal Collective and Washed Out. Moloney's echoed vocals slouch droopily across layers of fuzzy reverb, noodly synth riffs and snappy beats, best demonstrated on the brilliantly creative Wave Life. The downside? Apart from the comparatively bare-boned Safari, there's simply not enough variation among these nine tracks to outclass the considerable competition. If Last Days of 1984 find their own original niche, they may be a real force to contend with. This is a sound start.  lastdaysof

Download tracks:Wave Life, Francois Truffaut/Event Sociologique

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times