Gypsies on the Autobahn - Born Brief album review: Wandering lust

GYPSIES ON THE AUTOBAHNBorn Brief ***Universal Ireland

Born Brief
    
Genre: Alternative
Label: Universal Ireland

Like many musicians before them, the members of this Dublin band have spent more than several years going from pillar to post in search of special ingredients that bond ideas and results. While there are some rock-solid moments on this debut, that union isn’t as coherent as it could be (and, in all probability, will be).

Songs such as Undo Your Dress, Five Words, Librarian and Hidden betray several slavish influences that are inevitably par for the course for a first album. Other tracks, however, highlight the courage of convictions: Torrents, You Don't Wanna, Battle, Do or Die, Strength of Two and Home shake leaves from trees with the force of mini-earthquakes.

Fingers crossed that album No 2 will deliver on the promise of this.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture