Emmett Tinley

Emmett Tinley Mass Market Recordings ***

Emmett TinleyMass Market Recordings ***

He may not be the most prolific musician around, but Emmett Tinley's releases are usually greeted with warm affection. The former Prayer Boat frontman's second solo album was initially conceived as an acoustic record, although the end result sounds more like a full-band affair. Nonetheless, the remnants of unadorned arrangements are still audible on songs such as the haunting Sooner or Later, Tinley's delicate guitar playing unsettled by a blast of trumpet, while the addition of piano on Some Bright Heaven accentuates his distinctive voice. Elsewhere, Wherever You Are and In My Life quicken the tempo, the former's gentle country-folk canter somewhat reminiscent of Josh Ritter. The meandering pace starts to drag around the last third, but, by and large, these understated songs are a simple soundtrack to drift away to. emmetttinley.com

Download tracks: Wherever You Are, Sooner or Later

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times