
Reservoir Self-released ***

Reservoir Self-released***

Whether they’re duelling vocals on the lo-fi murmur of Seeing Daydreams or teaming up for sweet acoustic harmonies on the winsome folk of Hollow Tree, songwriters Fin Divilly and Freya Monks sound finely attuned to both each other and the opaque atmosphere and tone their band have generated on Reservoir.

There are many obvious reference points on the Dublin quintet's debut, but happily they're all top-notch: Portishead (Pull the Screw, Special Offer II); The xx (Seeing Daydreams); and Aqualung (brittle piano ballad closer Selling Bodies) seemed to have played a role in Cocophone's evolution, while both vocalists have a nervy, hesitant quality that brilliantly suits the album's frequent bouts of tension and eeriness. Occasionally a little predictable, Reservoir sometimes sounds like the work of a band still finding their feet – but it's a fine start.

Download tracks:Pull the Screw, Seeing Daydreams

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times