Harmony in the workplace?

March 1st is Family Friendly Workplace Day, and the Equality Authority is encouraging companies to celebrate

March 1st is Family Friendly Workplace Day, and the Equality Authority is encouraging companies to celebrate. It suggests family open days at work, a "go home on time" day and surveys of employees on family-friendly policies. Check out the website, from March 1st, for Q&As, information on publications, a code of practice and a discussion forum. At www.familyfriendly.ie (e-mail: info@equality.ie or tel: 01-4173333).

If you have a colleague with body odour, poor table manners or flatulence, and wish to "advance harmony in the workplace", try a website that will "relieve you of the burden of having to speak to co-worker" by sending an anonymous letter (mailed in the US) pointing out the problem. This service is not free, but the website offers a free guide on how to tell colleagues they have body odour, and a sample letter on nose-picking. At www.coworkerhints.com

Take a break at the 9-to5 cafe, with games (such as "Shoot the Boss"), entertainment (personality tests, quizzes and crosswords) and mood rooms (relaxing pictures and webcams). There is also a forum for gossip, jokes and rants. Usefully, for when your boss appears suddenly, there is a panic button which switches to a safe screen. Chill out at www.9to5cafe.com

Fantasising about resigning from your job and telling your boss what you really think about the company? For resignation etiquette and weird and wonderful resignation letters (categories include conspiracy theories and global catastrophes), check out an irreverent website where breaking news provides the latest on famous resigners around the world. At www.i-resign.com


To find out how to make money from travelling, check links to: international newspapers (for their jobs ads); agencies for volunteering and studying abroad; legal and social welfare rights; and Job Search (for European vacancies). At www. travelnotes.org/travel/working-abroad.htm

Think your working life is dull? Then check out the webcams of office workers around the world by joining the 366,000 people who have visited Dave's award-winning webcam site. Go to www.looksmart.com and click on home> computing>internet>fun&games>webcam views>people at the office

Next week: Women online
