Poképark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure

GAME REVIEW: 3 cert, Nintendo, Wii ***

GAME REVIEW:3 cert, Nintendo, Wii ***

Pikachu comes to the Wii in the latest Pokémonadventure. This time around, the PokéPark is in danger, but instead of battling to protect it, players must collect pieces of the Sky Prism. It's not as easy as it sounds, however: the pieces spread across different zones and can only be retrieved by completing certain challenges. Along the way, you'll meet other Pokémon that can help you in your quest, and players can also take part in skill games against your fellow Pokémon.

The game takes advantage of the Wii's motion-sensing technology, and for those used to playing Pokémon on the smaller-screened DS, it's certainly a change of pace. Being a Pokémongame, it's designed primarily for younger players, and it ticks all the right boxes for this audience: colourful, fun and engaging.