Donald Clarke's Weekly Movie Quiz

1 Which franchise concerns the battle between Decepticons and Autobots?

1Which franchise concerns the battle between Decepticons and Autobots?

2"Some day a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets." Which 1970s gem?

3Which sci-fi classic is being acted out with Lego men (pictured)?

4Ingrid Bergman and Grace Kelly appeared in three. Cary Grant and James Stewart were in four. What are we talking about?


5Which aquatic bird made his first appearance in Pork's Duck Hunt?

6What features an electronic version of Henry Purcell's Music for the Funeral of Queen Maryand the original version of Singin' in the Rain?

7What was the first computer-animated film to receive an Oscar nomination for best picture?

8Who began his directing career with a film starring the Dave Clark Five?

9By what title is the head of the electrical department on a movie normally known?

10Who links Milo Minderbinder and Franklin Roosevelt?


1. Transformers
2. Taxi Driver
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
4. Alfred Hitchcock movies
5. Daffy Duck
6. A Clockwork Orange
7. Up

8. John Boorman (Catch Us If You Can)

9. Gaffer
10. Jon Voight ( Catch-22, Pearl Harbor )