Revenue issues e-security tender

Jamie Smyth,

Jamie Smyth,

Technology Reporter

The Revenue Commissioners has issued an emergency tender for security technology for its online service over fears that its current supplier, Baltimore Technologies, will cease its service.

Under an accelerated procurement process, the State is seeking to identify suitably qualified companies capable of providing the security technology to apply for the multi-million euro contract.


The contract, which up until now has been held by Baltimore Technologies, is for a service provider to host, manage and support the public key infrastructure (PKI) for Revenue Online.

PKI technology is a key piece of security technology that can be deployed to enable people to make secure transactions over the internet. It forms the centrepiece of Revenue Online's authentication process on its website.

The tender documents for the contract show that the Revenue Commissioners believe it is necessary to issue an "accelerated tender" because of doubts over whether Baltimore will be able to continue to supply its services.

Baltimore Technologies, the once high-flying Dublin-based technology firm, recently agreed to sell its PKI business to another technology company, Betrusted. Its shareholders will vote on whether to sell the core unit at an extraordinary general meeting next month and it remains unclear whether Betrusted will want to provide the same service.

The Revenue Commissioners was unable to comment on the tender yesterday when contacted. But an industry source said the tender was probably a precautionary step to ensure there was no disruption to the Revenue Online system.