Most supermarkets guilty of overcharging - survey

Following consumer complaints of overcharging by Tesco supermarket chain, the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs conducted…

Following consumer complaints of overcharging by Tesco supermarket chain, the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs conducted a survey that revealed overcharging occurred in most supermarket chains.

The survey, carried out over a weekend last March, revealed the frequency of overcharging varied by supermarket.

According to the survey results, overcharging incidents occurred at Londis for every one in nine purchases; Spar one in 20; Roches Stores one in 26; Centra one in 42; Supervalu one in 47; Dunnes Stores one in 76; Superquinn one in 200; Tesco one in 275. The amount of money overcharged ranged from 1p to £8.80 (€11.17).

No incidents of overcharging were found at Marks and Spencer or Iceland stores surveyed. For every instance of undercharging there were two of overcharging, Director of Consumer Affairs Ms Carmel Foley has said.


In the US, supermarkets found overcharging customers were closed down until they sorted out the problem, said the director.

Although she does not recommend such a system in Ireland she believes supermarkets found guilty of overcharging should face stiffer and more punitive sanctions.

Tesco was taken to court by the Director of Consumer Affairs last week. The supermarket chain was fined £3,800 in the District Court for overcharging and failing to display the price of goods.

The company pleaded guilty to five counts of overcharging and two counts of not having price displays at three of its Dublin stores. The Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs plans to consistently monitor the overcharging situation.