Dingle to become animated as festival kicks off

450 students expected to attend Animation Dingle Festival in Kerry this week

The Zig and Zag animation series which is co-produced by JAM Media, along with Double Z and Flickerpix.

More than 450 students and industry professionals are expected to attend the 4th annual Animation Dingle Festival, taking place in Co Kerry this week.

Disney Channels general manager David Levine and Amazon Studios head of kids programming Tara Sorensen will be the keynote speakers at the event, with Oscar winner Patrick Osborne, CBBC development producer Lucy Pryke and Nickelodeon senior director Alexi Wheeler also among the speakers.

Event organiser and JAM Media chief executive John Rice has made significant inroads on the global animation scene, with the animation sector now generating €100 million per annum. A total of 85 per cent of the production is made for overseas transmissions.

He said the festival will consist of talks, screenings, workshops and an awards ceremony for student productions, and aims to highlight creative partnerships, discover new talent, and foster the next generation of animators and creators.


A total of 300 students from across Ireland and the UK are expected to attend, along with representation from French animation colleges. It aims to offer students a global perspective on the art of developing, financing and producing animated content for all screens.

“We sold out the student tickets before we’d even launched our website. We want the students to meet potential employers and open their eyes to various opportunities that exist,” Mr Rice said.