The Margin notes from documents released on foot of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, that the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment is the target of a very persistent citizen. Statistics compiled by the department at the end of September show that since the service was introduced in April, 175 FOI requests have been received and 161 processed. Decisions to refuse information led to 44 internal appeals and there were 12 further appeals to the Information Commissioner.
Each of these 12 appeals to the commissioner were made by the same individual. This same person has made 60 FOI requests, involving 100 separate pieces of information and had sought 36 internal reviews by the end of September. FOI requests have been estimated to cost, on average, £250 each, so the persistent citizen has, by the end of September, cost the State about £15,000. And that's before appeals.
His or her identity is not revealed in the documentation released, but the Margin is considering making an FOI request for same. Watch this space.