Falling foul of the concentration test

THE Margin performed miserably when trying a test devised by official psychologist to the Irish Olympic squad, Dr Aidan Moran…

THE Margin performed miserably when trying a test devised by official psychologist to the Irish Olympic squad, Dr Aidan Moran. Dr Moran, who has just published an audiotape on the subject, says good concentration is the key to success in sport, examinations and business. His test involves seven questions and, if the answer is "yes" to more than one of them, you need some training in concentration skills. The questions are:

1) Have you ever found yourself reading the same sentence in a book or newspaper over and over again because your mind is "miles away"? Is he serious?

2) Do you often find yourself thinking about something else while someone is talking to you?

3) Do you find it hard to remember people's names?


4) Does your mind tend to wander at meetings?

The Margin forgets the other questions, and is sorry it ever heard of the test . . .